Lily Allen is bigger than the "Average" celebrity, but by no means fat. She starts the video by getting plastic surgery with her manager yelling at her, as well as a music video of half naked girls dancing around.
The song basically mocks celebrities and how they are so caught up in their lifestyle. Her manager is criticizing her for her weight and she explains how she just had 2 kids.. So of course she doesn't have the same body she had when she was younger.
This song got so much attention, and some of it was negative! I think because she mocks so many celebrities, and points out the hard truth that other celebrities ignore.
I honestly don't care what people do with their bodies, but when one way is THE way it's a problem. It's awesome that she has this song. So many celebrities are shamed for their body, even after they have children, and so many "normal" women feel like crap after they have children.