Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"The Evil Demon Seductress"

I couldn't think of anything to write about so I looked up the Feminine Frequency YouTube channel. I watched one called "The Evil Demon Seductress" and since Halloween is around the corner I thought it was perfect. 
The video was explaining how movies constantly portray women to be sexual, manipulative, and evil. Whenever there is a female villain in a movie, she gets her way be seducing the man and then violently kills him. 
A great example of this is "Jennifer's' Body". The whole movie is about a girl who is supposed to be the hottest, sluttiest girl in school, played by Megan Fox. She is constantly seducing guys, (and even a girl), getting them to be alone with her, thinking they're going to have sex with her, then proceeds to kill them. 
Movies like this continue to portray women in negative ways. There is already the stereotype that women are "moody" and "manipulative" and this not only intensifies those thoughts, but confirms them. 
No matter what the movie, if the woman is the villain, she doesn't come across as someone who is confident in herself without using her sexuality to show it. (I'm sure there may be one, but for the most part..) 

Because of the movie influences on sexual behavior, we also have the sexy halloween costumes. So many young girls are dressing half naked to go door to door to strangers homes to get candy. Doesn't that just sound like something bad waiting to happen!? I mean Halloween to me is all about being creepy and bloody.. not sexy and skimpy. But girls have learned from movies, tv, etc. that in order to get a guy you have to be sexy. 

1 comment:

  1. Influenced by media, girls have learned that they are to be sexual objects for men. Girls are socialized to believe that their sexuality is the only way for women to hold power over men. The sexy, provocative seductress is not a new concept. The “man-eater” concept is not new either. I think this “evil demon seductress” is seen all throughout media. Urban dictionary defines these women as an irresistible woman who chews and spits out men after using them for some sort of gain -- be it sexual, financial or psychological. Girls are usually taught to be kind, care about others etc. So this man eater view of women goes against traditional gender scripts. Some see the evil demon seductress as empowering to women. They aren’t afraid to flaunt their sexuality to get what they want. However, these images may be harmful to young girls who view them. The hyper sexualized portrayal of women’s bodies are sending the wrong message to the kids in this society.
